Brain Freeze!

imagesRecently my granddaughter brought a Smoothie, a “skinny” Smoothie, to me, it was orange vanilla, which is my favorite yes I choose it over chocolate any old-time. I took the Smoothie from her beautiful young hands and took a long sip through the straw which she had already placed in the lid, how could I not? As it hit my stomach or where ever the spot is that it has to touch to do its dirty deed, that awful, blinding pain hit me in the head over my right eye! I tried all the tricks I have read about how to make it stop, I panted like I was in labor, I stuck my tongue to the roof of my mouth, I breathed a great lung full of warm air, nothing worked until it had finished its course leaving me holding my head between the palms of my hands with eyes watering to the point my non-water-proof mascara was running into my burning eyes! I knew I should have been careful and sipped it slowly, I have had brain freezes in the past, why did I throw caution to the wind and draw in that long sip of freezing liquid? Because, as I already told you, orange vanilla is my favorite flavor and it has been a long time since I have tasted it. Was the taste worth the pain in the brain? Well as good as it was I would have to say no.

Why do we do ANY thing that we do when we know it is going to cause us trouble? Because we are not thinking about the consequences our actions will cause, we are only looking at the pleasure of the taste. Before you judge yourself too harshly look around at all the people, famous people, that had so much to lose by acting out their foolish desires and yet they went for it. It isn’t limited to us plebeians that no one really cares about, we do things and it doesn’t get published in the National Enquirer, it doesn’t make it less wrong for us, it’s just that fewer people care what we do, but what about someone that could lose a huge ministry, or have it cost an election to a coveted government post?

You can always go to the Bible for examples of people that would have made the Enquirer headlines; let’s start with Adam and Eve, I can see it all now “First couple eat fruit from forbidden tree and are found NAKED and hiding in the trees!” That would make me stop in the grocery line to read and I might even pick it up and buy it to see what had caused them to do something so obviously stupid! Look at one of the First Family brothers, no it wasn’t Billy Carter who was known for his outlandish public behavior; he once urinated on an airport runway in full view of the press and dignitaries, it was Cain, the son of the naked and banished couple! He let his anger get the best of him and spilled the first human blood and God spoke saying “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground!”

We can read of so many mistakes, think of Moses the man chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt to the Promised Land, “Moses, leader of Jews, found guilty of the murder of an Egyptian soldier”. We could go on with this and name Aachen who stole a wedge of gold against the orders of Joshua causing the death of his whole family; Samson who told his God-given secret leading to his blindness and being treated like an animal and put in the arena so they could make fun of him.

When my grandson was about eight we were talking about the story of Samson, his mom asked him “Gabe why did Samson let Delilah cut his hair?” He had the answer right away, “Because he needed a haircut!” Simple and to the point, maybe Gabe was right… maybe the handsome, proud young Judge of Israel had to go through the terror of losing his power and his sight to help him see where his help really came from, from God.

We could go on talking about this but I don’t want to bore you with detail, let’s just figure this out together, they sinned… all of them, and so have you and so have I, that being the case shall we give them and each other the benefit of the doubt and say that perhaps we had a “brain freeze” and just weren’t thinking straight?

Shall we show each other the scripture Hebrews 4:16 “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”? Yes, I think that’s the answer. How many times have I said “I will NEVER…” and named some dreadful thing I know I will never do again only to find myself right in the middle of some soap opera drama all over again, and if you tell the truth you have done the same.

SO what is the conclusion of this matter? Don’t judge someone when you see their face all contorted in the pain of a brain freeze, you might be the next one that takes a long, cold swallow of the particular sin that freezes yours!

2 Replies to “Brain Freeze!”

  1. There is an old saying: “People who live in glass houses should not throw rocks.” Then I like the one where the priests brought the lady only who had been caught in adultery & asked Jesus what to do with her. They wanted to stone her as the law stated. But to me He saw the unfairness of the whole thing, ignored them & wrote in the sand. His reply was that the one without sin could toss the first stone. Note the Bible says the elder ones left first till nobody was left. When Jesus asked her about her accusers she didn’t know where they had gone. Jesus simply told her He forgave her & sent her on her way telling her He didn’t condemn either. Growing up my Mother would often stop me & ask when had I moved out of my glass house, point was well taken- I knew I had crossed the line & was condemning somebody. God often reminds me “love the person & hate the sin involved” hard to do all the time but when I do I avoid one kind of brain freeze.
    By the way a brain freeze occurs because the cold liquid forces down the temperature of the big blood vessel running under your nose & up past your eye so fast it effects the nerve which causes the pain.. I am not a doctor but this is what I have been told. Haven’t had one in a long time but I too love the vanilla-orange so I could see myself getting one too. Have a great one.


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