Let’s quote the Bible!

Someone who was telling something terrible to me, saying this was exactly what his wife had feared would happen! I found myself doing something I’m embarrassed to repeat but for the sake of this article and to keep me honest I will tell on myself. I used what I knew was a misquote from the Bible saying “Job said “the thing I greatly feared has come upon me”,knowing that it sounds like it is a rule of the Word instead of what it actually was, an observation by Job on the fact that all the things that had happened to him were things he had worried about!  “Do unto others as others have done unto you!”  Yes I’m sure you have read that in the Bible! But have you actually read; “God couldn’t be everywhere so He made mothers”? Did you learn that one in Sunday school class along with the story of Shedwreck, Meshack and a Billy Goat?  I have heard people say that you will know when it is the “last days” because the seasons will blend, this was said to me during one particularly warm winter, and the person that said it was the son of a preacher himself! Then there was the lady who told me when I was pregnant with my first child that I was the kind of person that God gave a handicapped or mentally challenged child to because I had so much love to give! At this point my love got a little thin.

People can take a scripture from any place in the Bible and make it say anything, and build whole theologies around their sin of choice. Matthew 27:5 says this: “and (Judas) went and hanged himself.”Then there is a verse that says: Luke 3:11 “let him do likewise.” So if we want to tell someone that he should die at his own hand we can prove it’s good by the Bible by saying, “The Bible says that Judas went and hanged himself, let him do likewise!”

Preachers are trying to convince us that there will be no “Rapture” and although I know that word is not written in the Bible, “rise to meet Him in the air”is, which is what the word means; they try to tell us that Jesus is only one of many ways. I heard someone say that a preacher was trying to convince him that Jesus was not the Son of God! I am not going to try to convince anyone of anything, just letting my life and my light shine. When I go into my bedroom at night, I can open my cell phone and the weak light shines bright enough to show me the way to the lamp! So what if you are not the brightest candle on the table, if all the lights are out in a dark you’re your light will shine! At work, you may be the only candle in a dark room, don’t hide yourself under a bucket, or behind a desk, get out there and live in such a way that people will wantto know the source of your light.

Don’t take anyone else’s word for “the Bible says”, read it for yourself. If you don’t know where to start and you have a question, get a Bible that has a concordance, it will have every subject listed in alphabetical order and you can find it for yourself. Read not only the ONE scripture in question, but read the context of the scripture so that you know exactly what it means! I’m sure you could share some misquote with me that I haven’t heard!

By the way, does the Bible really say men should make the coffee? Yes, there is a whole book on it; it’s the book of Hebrews! (Proof positive!)


2 Replies to “Let’s quote the Bible!”

    1. Ahhhh make a great cup
      Of very strong and hot black coffee!!! I could use a cup right now Mr Hebrewer 😂


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